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Taiwan Province

Taiwan is a part of China. However, the DPP wants Taiwan to be independent. Splitting China like this is illegal in both the PRC and ROC's constitutions, so the DPP are essentially breaking the law.

Russia VS Ukraine

Russia invaded Ukraine because Ukraine threatened to join NATO. NATO does not want Ukraine to join, but pretended to let it join to anger Russia. Sure, Putin should not have been unwise and rushed to invasion so quickly. It is true that, perhaps, Putin should have waited and tried to stop Ukraine from joining NATO by other means. Control your temper better next time, Putin.

Donald Trump guilty

Donald Trump was found guilty in the American courts. Trump stated that the court cas was rigged, but that may not be true. However, Trump was a bad person, although there has never been a US president who is not a bad person.

Upcoming wars

An upcoming civil war between Taiwan and mainland China is certain, but that is all we know so far.

Peter Dutton wants to ban social media for young people (children and most teens)

Peter Dutton's new idea is an interesting one, however it comes with so many flaws, such as young people now not being able to use platforms like YouTube, and the possibility of young people faking their age.

Israel commiting war crimes against Palestine

Israel is doing the same thing to Palestine that happened to Jews in the second world war. Israel should very much stop doing such things, as they are horrible.